5000 từ vựng tiếng Anh thông dụng nhất Tổng hợp các từ tiếng Anh thông dụng nhất

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5000 từ vựng tiếng Anh thường nhất giúp người mua có thể nâng cao vốn từ vựng, từ đấy viết bài luận, đọc tài liệu Tiếng Anh, giao tiếp hay khiến những bài thi, bài đánh giá Tiếng Anh đạt kết quả cao. Hy vọng người mua sẽ có những phương pháp học để học hết 5000 từ vựng này 1 phương pháp hiệu quả nhất. Mời người mua cùng tham khảo và tải tài liệu tại đây.

5000 từ vựng tiếng Anh thường nhất

abasev.Lớn decrease in place, estimation, or the like; degrade.abbessn.The woman superior of a nunnery.abbeyn.The group of buildings which collectively type the dwelling-place of a society of monks or nuns.abbotn.The superior of a neighborhood of monks.abdicatev.Lớn surrender (royal energy or the like).abdomenn.In mammals, the visceral cavity between the diaphragm and the pelvic ground; the stomach.abdominaln.Of, pertaining lớn, or located on the stomach.abductionn.A carrying away of an individual towards his will, or illegally.abedadv.In mattress; on a mattress.aberrationn.Deviation from a proper, customary, or prescribed course.abetv.Lớn support, promote, or encourage the fee of (an offense).abeyancen.A state of suspension or non permanent inaction.abhorrencen.The act of detesting extraordinarily.abhorrentadj.Very repugnant; hateful.abidancen.An abiding.abjectadj.Sunk lớn a low situation.abjurev.Lớn recant, surrender, repudiate below oath.able-bodiedadj.Competent for bodily service.ablutionn.A washing or cleaning, particularly of the physique.abnegatev.Lớn surrender (a proper or privilege).abnormaladj.Not conformed lớn the atypical rule or customary.abominableadj.Very hateful.abominatev.Lớn hate violently.abominationn.A really detestable act or apply.aboriginaladj.Primitive; unsophisticated.aboriginesn.The unique of earliest recognized inhabitants of a rustic.aboveboardadv.& adj. With out concealment, fraud, or trickery.abradev.Lớn put on away the floor or some a part of by friction.abrasionn.That which is rubbed off.abridgev.Lớn make shorter in phrases, preserving the important options, leaning out minor particles.abridgmentn.A condensed type as of a e book or play.abrogatev.Lớn abolish, repeal.abruptadj.Starting, ending, or altering all of the sudden or with a break.abscessn.A Assortment of pus in a cavity fashioned inside some tissue of the physique.abscissionn.The act of chopping off, as in a surgery.abscondv.Lớn depart all of the sudden and secretly, as for the aim of escaping arrest.absencen.The very fact of not being current or obtainable.absent-mindedadj.Missing in consideration lớn quick environment or enterprise.absolutionn.Forgiveness, or passing over of offenses.absolvev.Lớn free from sin or its penalties.absorbv.Lớn drink in or suck up, as a sponge absorbs water.absorptionn.The act or means of absorbing.abstainv.Lớn preserve oneself again (from doing or utilizing one thing).abstemiousadj.Characterised by self denial or abstinence, as in using drink, meals.abstinencen.Self denial.abstruseadj.Coping with issues tough lớn be understood.absurdadj.Inconsistent with purpose or frequent sense.abundantadj.Plentiful.abusiveadj.Using harsh phrases or in poor health remedy.abutv.Lớn cảm biến on the finish or boundary line.abyssn.Bottomless gulf.academicadj.Of or pertaining lớn an academy, school, or college.academiciann.A member of an academy of literature, artwork, or science.academyn.Any establishment the place the upper branches of studying are taught.accedev.Lớn agree.acceleratev.Lớn transfer sooner.acceptv.Lớn take when provided.accessn.A manner of strategy or entrance; passage.accessibleadj.Approachable.accessionn.Induction or elevation, as lớn dignity, workplace, or authorities.accessoryn.An individual or factor that aids the principal agent.acclaimv.Lớn utter with a shout.accommodatev.Lớn furnish one thing as a kindness or favor.accompanimentn.A subordinate half or components, enriching or supporting the main half.accompanistn.One who or that which accompanies.accompanyv.Lớn go together with, or be related to, as a companion.accomplicen.An affiliate in wrong-doing.accomplishv.Lớn deliver lớn go.accordionn.A conveyable free-reed musical instrument.accostv.Lớn communicate lớn.accountn.A file or assertion of receipts and expenditures, or of enterprise transactions.accouterv.Lớn gown.accreditv.Lớn give credit score or authority lớn.accumulatev.Lớn develop into larger in amount or quantity.accuracyn.Exactness.accurateadj.Conforming precisely lớn reality or lớn a regular.accursedadj.Doomed lớn evil, distress, or misfortune.accusationn.A cost of crime, misdemeanor, or error.accusatoryadj.Of, pertaining lớn, or involving an accusation.accusev.Lớn cost with fallacious doing, misconduct, or error.accustomv.Lớn make acquainted by use.acerbityn.Sourness, with bitterness and astringency.acetaten.A salt of acetic acid.aceticadj.Of, pertaining lớn, or of the character of vinegar.achev.Lớn be in ache or misery.Achilleanadj.Invulnerable.achromaticadj.Colorless,acidn.A bitter substance.acidifyv.Lớn become acid.acknowledgev.Lớn acknowledge; lớn admit the genuineness or validity of.acknowledgmentn.Recognition.acmen.The very best level, or summit.acousticadj.Pertaining lớn the act or sense of listening to.acquaintv.Lớn make acquainted or conversant.acquiescev.Lớn comply; submit.acquiescencen.Passive consent.acquirev.Lớn get as one’s personal.acquisitionn.Something gained, or made one’s personal, normally by effort or labor.acquitv.Lớn free or clear, as from accusation.acquittaln.A discharge from accusation by judicial motion.acquittancen.Launch or discharge from indebtedness, obligation, or duty.acreagen.Amount or extent of land, particularly of cultivated land.acridadj.Harshly pungent or bitter.acrimoniousadj.Stuffed with bitterness.acrimonyn.Sharpness or bitterness of speech or mood.actionableadj.Affording trigger for instituting an motion, as trespass, slanderous phrases.actualityn.Any actuality.actuaryn.An officer, as of an insurance coverage firm, who calculates and states the dangers and premiums.actuatev.Lớn transfer or incite lớn motion.acumenn.Quickness of mental perception, or discernment; keenness of discrimination.acuteadj.Having superb and penetrating discernment.adamantn.Any substance of exceeding hardness or impenetrability.addendumn.One thing added, or lớn be added.addlev.Lớn make inefficient or nugatory; muddle.adducev.Lớn deliver ahead or title for consideration.adherev.Lớn stick quick or collectively.adherencen.Attachment.adherentadj.Clinging or sticking quick.adhesionn.The state of being hooked up or joined.adieuinter.Good-by; farewell.adjacencyn.The state of being adjoining.adjacentn.That which is close to or bordering upon.adjudgev.Lớn award or bestow by formal determination.adjunctn.One thing joined lớn or linked with one other factor, however holding a subordinate place.adjurationn.A vehement enchantment.adjutantadj.Auxiliary.administratorn.One who manages affairs of any variety.admissibleadj.Having the fitting or privilege of entry.admittancen.Entrance, or the fitting or permission lớn enter.admonishv.Lớn warn of a fault.admonitionn.Light reproof.adon.pointless exercise or ceremony.adorationn.Profound devotion.adroitadj.Having talent in using the bodily or psychological powers.adulterantn.An adulterating substance.adulteratev.Lớn make impure by the admixture of different or baser substances.adumbratev.Lớn characterize beforehand in define or by emblem.adventn.The approaching or arrival, as of any necessary change, occasion, state, or personage.adverseadj.Opposing or opposed.adversityn.Misfortune.advertv.Lớn refer by the way.advertisern.One who advertises, particularly in newspapers.advisoryadj.Not obligatory.advocacyn.The act of pleading a trigger.advocaten.One who pleads the reason for one other, as in a authorized or ecclesiastical courtroom.aerialadj.Of, pertaining lớn, or just like the air.aeronautn.One who navigates the air, a balloonist.aeronauticsn.the artwork or apply of flying aircraftaerostatn.A balloon or different equipment floating in or sustained by the air.aerostaticsn.The department of pneumatics that treats of the equilibrium, strain, and mechanical properties.affableadj.Straightforward lớn strategy.affectv.Lớn act uponaffectationn.A studied or ostentatious pretense or try.affiliaten.Some auxiliary individual or factor.affirmativeadj.Answering sure; lớn a query at challenge.affixv.Lớn fasten.affluencen.A profuse or considerable provide of riches.affrontn.An open insult or indignity.afireadv.& adj. On hearth, actually or figuratively.afootadv.In progress.aforesaidadj.Stated in a previous half or earlier than.afreshadv.As soon as extra, after relaxation or interval.afterthoughtn.A thought that comes later than its applicable or anticipated time.

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